Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Here's to You

Danny; Grodno, Belarus 
 We have based a lot of traditions and customs around the table.  Raising a glass to another's health can even be traced back to before the ancient Greeks. It wasn't until the Renaissance period that the word "Toast" started being used as we do now. A piece of toast often was added to a glass to take out some of the acidity of the often lower quality wine.
 Toasting to everyone in the room became a way of drinking in excess without seeming like a lush. Eventually toastmasters were hired for events so that it all could be kept under control. 
 Well after having toured Russia and since playing in a Russian band in NY, I thought I'd heard some good toasts, but in Belarus there are traditions that refer to which number toast you are raising.
 After our performance that closed the first night of the Grodno Jazz festival, 
our hosts invited us to a post show reception that included some of the other performers from Poland and Germany. Also in attendance were The U.S. Charge d'affaires  Scott Rauland, his wife Fran, our interpreter Olga, the Indian Ambassador to the UN and Grodno/Belarusian officials. 

So I made the opening toast about how lucky we are to have music and how it brought us all together etc. Then it was said that the second toast (we were drinking Belarusian vodka and cognac) had to come quickly after the first so a bullet wouldn't  be able to fit between the two. The third toast was for the man, made by a woman and the men had to stand to drink that one. The fourth toast was to the woman and had to be made by a man and the men had to stand to drink that also and the drink had to be finished all at once.  I'm a little foggy on some of the details,  because there were a few toasts;) The fifth toast was to being less formal because usually by that time, most of the important officials would have left. I don't remember the sixth toast except that someone lost count and called it the seventh? It was a real sharing of life between so many cultures and nationalities. We had an early masterclass/workshop to give the next morning so luckily by the last toast the food, drink and company had come to an end.

Cry for Freedom

 Danny; Minsk Belarus 
 I would like to dedicate this  post to all the millions of people who now have the freedom to marry all across the U.S., to all the millions of people who will now be able to keep their affordable health care, to all those who lost their lives in WW2 here in Belarus and to the mayrtrs in Charleston who lost their lives this week while embracing their faith. 

 Yesterday our wonderful translator and new friend Olga, took us on a three hour walking tour of Minsk. When we visit a country to bring American music abroad, the cultural sharing is not just a one way street, it's an exchange also. It's just as important that we learn about their culture are share that with our friends in the States. When I tell people that I'm going to Belarus, many aren't sure where it is geographically. 

Because of where Minsk is located, It was almost totally destroyed during WW2. It was caught geographically in between the warring factions of Eastern Europe. What wasn't destroyed by war, was leveled by Stalin and rebuilt in the Soviet era style to show how resilient the Soviets were after the war. The architecture reminds me of Moscow with it's federal style state buildings. There are almost no examples of pre war architecture in Minsk. 

The area near the hotel is a mile or so from downtown and the Philharmonic hall where we played. There is a lot of construction and as the old Soviet style wooden workers houses are being torn down, the people are being relocated to the outskirts of the city. 

Brian and I ventured out each night in search of some traditional Belarusian food and drink. We managed to find some great borscht, potato pancakes and of course beer;)

We took taxis to the restaurants but walked back. It is very safe here at night. We snapped off a couple of pictures of the metro here, although I found out afterwards that it's against the law. 

The borders have shifted here a few times and there remains a big Polish and Russian influence. Most everyone speaks Russian although there is a movement to
preserve the Belarusian language.  
 The first ever communist party meetings took place here in Minsk. Here is the house where it supposedly all started. 

We did get to see some of the old city center where there are some nice parks and some old churches.

The people here are warm and welcoming. We are lucky to have had a chance to see a place that not many Americans get to experience. 

After so much walking we decided to take the horse and carriage back to the hotel. 

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Physical Graffiti

Danny; Minsk Belarus 
Last night we were invited to play a set at
the Grafitti club in downtown Minsk. The place was packed and the audience was easily convinced to join us in breaking down the wall that usually divides performer and listener.

We got a chance to hang out with some of the fans after the show and talk about some of our musical influences.
The club had a big screen that was playing videos of some of the Giants in the Jazz world. 

Here are some more shots from the club;

Today we leave for Grodno where we'll be tonight's headliners at the Jazz Festival.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Bound Together

Danny; Minsk Belarus 
Of all the things besides music that tie us together as humans, the culinary arts often top the list. We all delight in sharing favorite recipes, pics of food and drink.
 Here are some pics of my local shopping adventure with Brian this morning. 

All the stuff in my basket cost about $4.00. That's about 60,000 Belarusian rubles. 15,000 rubles equals one U.S. dollar. Below is one my favorite dishes, a cold beet soup and a potato, egg, carrots and pea salad. This is  traditional
fare here.

This evening we played a concert at the Belarus Philharmonic Hall. Our good friend US Charge d'affaires to Belarus Scott Roland,  introduced us to a packed house. The concert was so much fun and the audience gave us two standing ovations and encores. We had the pleasure of meeting the Brittish ambassador as well as the UN ambassador to Belarus.


Wednesday, June 24, 2015

I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy

Danny; Minsk, Belarus  The Johnny Rodgers Band was honored to play today at the U.S. Embassy's 
Independence Day celebration in Minsk, Belarus. Afterwards did a TV interview at ONT second national TV.

The event was held in the Belarusian president's former residence. It's very similar in design to the US ambassadors residence in Moscow. This cool American flag cake was one of many Fourth of July decorations for the event today.
Pictured below is our wonderful friend Scott Rauland the chargé d'affaires and his wife Fran greeting all the guests at the reception line. Scott has been our champion in bringing us here and to Malaysia multiple times.

A shot of the band before leaving for the television station to preface a morning show.

These are they same drums I'll be playing tomorrow night as a guest of the Belarus Philharmonic at their beautiful hall here in Minsk.

Some more party scenes, a demonstration of a 3D printer and some American cultural books on display.

Here are some shots of us getting ready for our interview at the  ONT second national TV station.

 after we all got our makeup done We sat down with our wonderful hosts to talk about our concerts and our mission here in Belarus. 

We hung out by the Svisloch river and  Yanka Kupala Park which is named after one of the great Belarusian poets. (Janka Kupala – was the pen name of Ivan Daminikavich Lutsevich, a Belarusian poet and writer.)
Brian and I went out to explore the city and had some wonderful local beer. I was getting some funny looks from the bartender and after I went to the restroom I realized  rain and I hadn't taken off our makeup from the TV station;)

Here are some more shots from our outing.

Well it's getting late and we have a long walk home;) spokoynoy nochi (good night)