Sunday, June 17, 2012

Mr Sand Akan

Last year when we came to play in Sandakan, we were leaving our hotel when we saw all these police cars and flashing lights. We were wondering what could have happened and hoped everyone was ok. Then we realized that it was a police escort for us. When we saw the officers this year we had a good laugh with them about that story.

We were welcomed by the staff of the Sandakan Municipal Council and we reunited with friends and fans alike.

The concerts last night and the night before went great, the audiences were so welcoming and responsive.
During a rendition of Sittin by the Dock of the Bay, Johnny found a whistler in the audience an I had a whistling duel with him during the song. I think I lost, although I'll be practicing for next time;)
He invited Scott Rauland up on stage for a scat duet during Ain't no Sunshine and Scott really tore it up.
Scott is the Cultural Affairs office from the US Embassy and one of the main reasons we were able to come back to Malaysia. Who knew he was such a good singer;)
We love it here in Sandakan and Josie Sabinas really makes us feel at home here.
Here are some images from both nights at the cultural center concerts;

The fans here are fantastic and I've gotten a few of these photos from their FB pages. I'm sure there will be more up there soon and we'll be sure to share them with you. Sandakan holds a special place in our hearts...and stomachs;) of course we went out after each of the two concerts. The Mayor and his wife hosted us to a dinner as did our friend Daniel, who was our lively MC.

Luckily we went snorkeling

Some of these dishes are from our lunch yesterday with Chew, our US Embassy liaison and friend who loves food as much as us;)
It's a good thing that we went snorkeling yesterday at Turtle Island to work off a little of these amazing meals. I can't wait to share some of our adventure there with you. Heading to the airport now, perhaps we can post some of those turtle pics during our layover in Hong Kong:)

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